Having grown up with creative parents in a house full of tools, art, music and books, there was no way that I could not be an artist. For years, I never went anywhere without pencils, pastels and a sketchpad. Over time, my creative journey led to explorations in other mediums – from paper and fabric to clay and steel.
It was a fabrication class taught by silversmith Patricia Rhodes in 2006 that sent me diving into metals. Even now, it never gets old. For the most part, I am self taught. Between gleaning new techniques from books, magazines, online sources and other craftspeople there is always something to look forward to – especially those happy accidents! It also has led to a love of teaching. Since 2011, I have taught hundreds of people through libraries, galleries, and various arts organizations.

"Hat Box"

Fold Formed Copper Cuff
I believe that when artists create, their energy and intent is ultimately embodied in their work. This is the underlying foundation for all of my art, especially jewelry where positive energy, strength, empowerment and a little bit of mysticism are combined to offer a fresh perspective on personal adornment.
Although jewelry is my main focus, creativity in most everything I do from writing and cooking to parenting and problem solving. As jazz great Miles Davis once said, “I would just wanna be dead if I couldn’t create.” For me, it is as intrinsically necessary to being as breathing. I cannot imagine life without it.
To say that I am incredibly humbled and grateful for these is an understatement.
Regional Artist Project Grant 2009-2010, 2011-2012 & 2015-2016
RAP Grants issued by the United Arts Council of Catawba County were used to purchase studio equipment, allowing me to explore creative paths while expanding productivity.
Project Pool Grant 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
Ellen Ball Studios was invited by Catawba County’s Senior Nutrition Services to teach 130-150 elders who attended Seniors Morning Out in five different locations. These programs were funded by the United Arts Council of Catawba County.
“Teaching the Touch of Copper and Brass” by Jennifer Hetrick
Copper Development Association EZine, Copper in the Arts, February 2015
“Self-Renaissance Led Artist to 3-D Jewelry” by Barbara Burns
Observer News Enterprise, 2011